WOW! What a fabulous year we had in the Pre-Junior Guides in 2018!

In Term 1 we welcomed several new faces, which is always great! We discussed how to be a good friend, and rules for their behaviour at guides, looking at how we can “respect myself and others” and be “friendly to others”. We enjoyed a walk around the lagoon, where we picked up rubbish that we found along the way. We discussed how we could “make choices for a better world”. We worked towards the Commonwealth Games Badge, which most of the girls achieved.

Term 2 we joined the Northern Sydney Region Chain of Campfires with our indoor version. The girls showed they could “live with courage and strength” by learning new songs and actions, singing out loud… even if we didn’t always get the words (or tune) quite right. And in the theme of the Commonwealth spirit, this term we worked towards the Fitness badge. All finished off with a disco Party!

Term 3 we had letters from some rainbow guides from the UK, so we wrote back to them. The girls are looking forward to seeing what comes back! Again showing “being friendly to others”. We had the annual bingo fundraiser, which is always fun! And Fathers’ day Putt Putt, which the girls and Dad’s love, and shows how they can “be considerate, honest and trustworthy”.

Term 4 brought excitement, first for Halloween, where the girls made Halloween cupcakes, and some dressed up. Then onto Christmas fun. We painted pottery plates for our families for Christmas, which turned out fantastic!! And to finish the term, we had a nice turnout of PJG’s at the annual Carols at the Seaside Nursing Home, where they handed out the gift’s they had made for the residents to show how to be “thoughtful and optimistic”.

Throughout the year We welcomed lots of new faces, and sadly said “see you soon” to some long time PJ’s. We have made lots of fun craft… stick art still being one of the favourites!! We have made several yummy things to eat… also always popular. This helps the girls develop their fine motor skills and improve their co-ordination. Very often we see some of the more able girls helping the ones who are struggling, without being prompted showing them being able to “use my time and abilities wisely”. It is always great to watch the girls grow and develop both their skills and maturity.

Kelly Gallo (Echidna).