Term Programs
See some of our term programs in our Dropbox

What We Do

  • Activities & Camps
    We participate in Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT organised activities wherever possible. These are usually day activities or indoor overnight for the younger girls and outdoor and weekend long activities such as the Zoo Sleepout & Relay for Life for the older girls.
  • We also organise our own camps at Guide properties—usually 2 or 3 weekend camps per year. The extra activities and camps usually involve a small extra cost. Camps are always a favourite activity with our girls!.
  • Craft
    Craft activities teach girls to use their creativity and develop skills using a variety of materials and mediums.
  • Games
    Our girls enjoy fun games which aim to develop teamwork, co-operation, leadership and …. to have fun!
  • Community Involvement
    Guides are respected members of the community, and as such give service to local community events, such as Citizenship Ceremonies, ANZAC Day & Australia Day.

The Australian Guide Program

The Australian Guide Program (AGP) aims to help girls develop socially, intellectually, spiritually and emotionally.

There are four main elements:

  1. Physical – giving girls opportunities to become fit, healthy and strong
  2. Practical – helping girls to learn skills for life
  3. People – helping girls to develop frienships, and skill at understanding and caring for others
  4. Self – giving girls the chance to grow by meeting new challenges and learning to lead.

The Seven Fundamentals of this program are:

    1. Promise and Law
    2. Outdoors
    3. Service
    4. World Guiding
    5. Guiding Traditions
    6. Patrol System
    7. Leadership Development

Our term programs include a variety of fun activities that focus on these fundamentals to help girls grow and develop appropriate to their age and interests.

The Promise

Guides is a values-based organisation with a code of ethics. When a girl becomes a Guide, she makes the Guide Promise. When you have an understanding of the Guide Promise and the Guide Laws and you feel you can make your Promise you should talk about it with your Leader.
The words of the Promise are symbolic and do not refer to any specific religion or type of government:

I promise that I will do my best
to be true to myself and develop my beliefs
to serve my community and Australia
and live by the Guide Law.


The Guide Law

The Guide Law lists behaviours and attitudes that enable Guides to carry out the Guide Promise. They focus on caring for others, for oneself and the environment.

As a Guide I will strive to:

  1. Respect myself and others
  2. Respect myself and others
  3. Be considerate, honest and trustworthy
  4. Be friendly to others
  5. Make choices for a better world
  6. Use my time and abilities wisely
  7. Be thoughtful and optimistic
  8. Live with courage and strength

